Trac's timeline feature provides a historic view of the project.
Trac events are listed in chronological order, comprised of a brief description of each event and, if applicable, the person responsible for the change.
The timeline lists these kinds of events:
Each event entry provides a hyperlink to the event, the author of the change, as well as a brief excerpt of the actual comment or text, if available. Plugins may provide additional events for the timeline.
The displayed events can be filtered using the filters in the preferences panel:
character, then the events having those authors will be excluded, and all the others included. Single or double quotes can be used for specifying author names containing space characters.
See TracIni's [timeline] section for timeline configuration options. Plugins may provide additional filters for the timeline.
The Timeline module supports subscription using RSS 2.0 syndication. To subscribe to project events, click the orange XML icon at the bottom of the page. See TracRss for more information on RSS support in Trac.
See also: TracWiki, WikiFormatting, TracRss